Wednesday 19 May 2010

Carpet Tile Cleaning Advice

Regular vacuuming is perhaps the best and most obvious way to deal with everyday dust and dirt when it comes to carpet tiles. Spills and accidents should be dealt with as quickly as possible and it’s best to treat the area immediately. Solids need to be removed as soon as possible, with cleaning methods being worked from the edges of the spill towards the centre so the spillage doesn’t spread.

Excess liquid should be soaked up using absorbent paper or cloth on the area and pressing firmly. Tiles can be sponged clean if required or alternatively can be lifted and rinsed under the tap for a more thorough clean.

Normally a mild detergent solution can be applied and scrubbed gently with a brush where necessary, but it is important to remove all traces of the detergent by rinsing when finished. It is also advisable to try any detergent on a small area of tile first to check colour fastness, though in most cases this will not be a problem if mild detergent is used. Again absorbent paper or cloth should be used to soak up as much excess moisture as possible before the tile is allowed to dry.

If a tile is lifted for cleaning, you should make sure it is dry before it is re-laid. It is important that the carpet tile is left to dry naturally – do not put it on a radiator or other artificial heat source as this may lead to damage to the tile.